For Immediate Release:
GOSHEN, NY – Today, Alison Esposito, 25-year veteran of the New York Police Department (NYPD), former candidate for Lieutenant Governor, and candidate for Congress in New York’s 18th Congressional District, issued the following statement after the New York City Police Department (NYPD) showed strong leadership and took deliberate and appropriate action in clearing out Hamilton Hall at Columbia University where pro-Hamas rioters were occupying the building:
The New York City Police Department did a fantastic job tonight. They acted with the professionalism and strength that New York City needs. New Yorkers should be proud of their Police Department. Thank you to the brave NYPD Officers who took decisive action to restore order and public safety to Columbia University. This was not a peaceful protest. For far too long, this criminal element, in the name of social protest, completely paralyzed this university. Radical students, faculty, and other partisan actors were allowed to break into and take over a building, barricading the doors, disabling the security surveillance cameras, and utilizing other terror tactics to evoke fear on the college grounds. The leadership of the University should have acted to stop these events days ago before it escalated to this point; instead, they decided to appease the rioters and repeatedly issued idle threats that failed to hold these entitled students accountable for their actions. As long as our society continues to permit and reward bad behavior, people will continue to commit criminal acts. What we allow will continue. Thank you to the brave NYPD for once again proving you truly are ‘New Yorks Finest’ and continuing to protect New Yorkers.
Alison Esposito